Once Anastasia heard about Super-Ada, she got instantly excited about the project and joined the team. Read her story!
When I saw that Super–Ada project was looking for volunteers for their February event in 2017, I instantly thought that it was an initiative that I really wanted to be a part of.
I do believe that it is important to have initiatives like these, and extremely happy that Finland is the country that actively supports women to choose any industry that they would like to work in freely and with the open mind.
I started in the tech company myself almost 5 months ago, and it feels great so far! At this point though I wish I had more technical expertise as I realize that I face certain challenges in the field comparing to my male collegues. However, I do not feel intimidated by that, but on the contrary, I try to embrace the learning and professional development opportunity that I am given now.
In my opinion the age of 16 to 22 years old is crucial in determining professional direction of the person, whether it is a male or a female. When I was at school myself, it has always been somehow predetermined that girls would go to a more linguistic class with literature and languages, and boys would go to classes with mathematics and computer sciences. Back then it didn’t seem like anything out of ordinary, until I grew up and realized how stereotypical it really was to assume that males and females should have certain interests throughout their lives. I decided that I would do my best to try to get the message out there to the girls that feel self-insecure to follow the technical path.
That is why I put my passions and my skills in projects like Super-Ada to be able to contribute to the positive change that the ladies in the program are trying to implement and break the stereotypes that are no longer relevant to the modern society.